Herbal Science Trust
Herbal Science Trust aims at developing new medicines and improve the quality of existing preparation of current preparations,
Our approach is scientific, wherever possible, to prove the science behind its action.
One of the substitutes is Vomega for Vegans who were deprived of Vitamin A supplement. This is tested scientifically for quality and content to substantiate our claim.

Developed by the Research Division of Herbal Science Trust
Vomega – (Free of oil, a variant for Omega 3)
(Developed specially for vegans)

Extra ordinary advantages : High percentage of precursor ALA (84%) helps in ingestion of food to separate Vitamin A otherwise not separated and is a precursor for DHA & EPA. The presence of ALA provides add on benefits in cardiovascular health, eye sight (vision), joint mobility, improves blood vessel conditions, liver and lung functions. (Relative Advantages)
Anti inflammatory effect on tissues, inhibits cancer progression and induce cell growth for muscle repair after accidents and long term sickness during rejuvenation. Prevention of cell deterioration retards setting in of dementia, cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Vitamin A (Retinol) has several function, some remain unknown though, in the body. The only source for retinol is oral dietary supplements which can release fatty acids by minimum consumption of fatty acids than that is required for its digestion.
Inadequate production of Retinol causes residual fat in the body and clogs blood vessels. This is prevalent among elderly, more among those who have poor digestion. This is diagnosed rarely among children and healthy adults with poor digestion. Retinol is produced when the ingested food is fully broken down with the support of some specific fatty acids. These fatty acids consumed for digestion are normally replaced by fatty acids produced during digestion.
These fatty acids are inadequate due to the lack of Retinol rich food or due to poor digestion. Changing into Retinol rich food may not compensate this as the fatty acids required to initiate digestion the Retinol rich food is insufficient during such situation. Vomega is an aqua based food, allowing direct absorption unlike other supplements, with 84% alpha linolenic acid to improve digestion along with other fatty acids.
The former is unacceptable for vegans as the source is fish and the latter requires more fatty acid for the breakdown. Fatty acids in Vomega are available for direct absorption as carrier is water unlike the ones in Omega-3 oils.
In Vomega, these fatty acids are sourced from a drupe (fruit) to provide a vegetarian supplement. The fatty acids, ALA, DHA & EPA in Vomega can directly act on the accumulated fat. This action prevents deterioration of cardio-neuropathologies and protects from partial or total stroke.
(View More About This Product)
"After using Vomega for a week, I am free from an unexplained chest pain experienced often…"
Antony D Parackal – 63 Years
"I am able to cycle about 4 Kms, now, after using Vomega for 9 months. I was advised to undergo a surgery for a bulge in L4 after MRI diagnosis…"
Praveen Kumar – 25 years
"My cardiologist advised me to move around only when accompanied by someone as I was feeling giddy. A high value of NT ProBNP was recorded in blood test. There is no treatment for that as it is an age related heart detioration. Avoiding other injuries due to fall is the most important.
I started using Vomega regularly and within one month, I started feeling confident and a blood test after 3 months recored a reduction in NT ProBNP, 1478.00 pg/ml. I go for a walk everyday for 30 minutes alone."
Mrs. Sunetra Dangi,
83 years, Retired school teacher
Source of Information
Research papers published by,
Wollengong University
Queen Mary University.
National Health Services of UK
European Food Safety Authority,
Recommended by : Association of International Cancer Research Foundation.
1. Alpha linolenic acid (ALA), 84%, improves digestion and the precursor for EPP & DHA.
2. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
3. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Tested and certified the contents at NAFm Chennai
Manufactured And Marketed By
Herbal Science Trust
101, Prestige Towers, I Floor,
Field Marshal Cariappa Road,
Bengaluru 560025
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